Yes No OracleStraight answer to a straight questionThe yes or no decision makerFor Single Love and Partnership love question, we created the Love Dice Oracle 8.15 of 10 Stars Good evening dear visitor, The Yes No Oracles were used by mankind for many thousand years, until today. It is a decision maker, if you are not able to decide. For example in soccer games, this oracle is still uses until today. The referee is throwing a coin to decide, which team has kick-off. Here we present you some nice and easy yes no oracles. You can choose between the classical yes no oracle, one oracle with dices and the Single Love yes no oracle, which you play with love dices. Please make your choice: >> The Yes or No Oracle >> You get a Straight answer to a straight question. This oracle answers your question with a definite yes or a no. No compromises. The Yes No Oracle is ideal for the decision finding of the little problems that we encounters in life every day. >> Yes or No Dice Oracle >> Same like the well known Yes or No Oracle you will get a direct answer to your question, in form of yes or no. But there a small nuances between the two answers... In this Oracle we will specify the Yes or the No. >> Yes or No Love Dice Oracle >> The yes-no Dice Oracle of Love will give you a direct and clear answer for all questions of love and partnership. In the yes-no Love Dice Oracle we have a special love dices, which were created exclusively for our love oracles.